Sunday, April 17, 2011

Aesthetica Clinic Dubai - Organic Peel For Rejuvenation, Exfoliation, and Acne Prevention -- RK

Peels Skin peels are highly effective in giving the skin an immediate glow that spells health and vitality. Peels are often used to treat sun damage on the face, hands and larger body areas such as the arms, back and legs. Peels remove the outer layers of the skin, a process which acts as a natural stimulus to produce new skin cells with more collagen and elastin. In addition, peels render the skin more permeable to the active ingredients in the active ingredients of skin care products.Undergoing routine peels is an integral part of any anti-aging regimen and skin refining program.Typically, this starts by an intensive protocol of weekly peels lasting for 4-6 weeks, followed by monthly maintenance sessions. Regular peels slow down the process of skin degradation and promote skin cell renewal. Acne Treatments Acne is one of the most common skin conditions affecting people of all skin ages. Although this condition is more often associated with teenagers, many adults suffer from acne throughout their lives. Although acne is a chronic condition it can be effectively managed; timely management is essential to prevent scarring. The current world-wide trend for the treatment of acne centers around the use of Photopneumatic technology rather than prescription medication, more commonly Roacuttane. At Aesthetica Clinic, we use the Gold Standard in Photopneumatic Therapy, which is Isolaz. To optimize our treatment results, we combine Photopneumatic therapy with a succession of peels ...

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